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God did it! He helped Andrew finish his Masters of Divinity at Bethlehem College and Seminary! We are now seeking for a full-time ministry position for Andrew, but we are also serving our wonderfully diverse neighborhood while we "wait." :) God is good, and we want to make Him known wherever we are.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Quick update

Things are going well for us here at the Johnson household. There's not a whole lot new to update, so this will probably be a quick post! Daniel is down for his nap, and I have some house cleaning and baking to do to prepare for some company tonight, so I need to take care of most of that while the little man is down!

Andrew and I were blessed to get out of the house without either of the boys for the first time last night since before Micah was born. A sweet friend offered to take care of them, and she even cooked and fed Daniel dinner, bathed both the boys and put Daniel to bed for us! Such a wonderful break! We didn't do anything extravagant... we just got some subs for dinner and then headed over to Starbucks where we simply enjoyed some delicious holiday coffee and talked! We just caught up with eachother and enjoy eachother's company without the interruption of a fussy baby or incredibly busy toddler! It was perfect. :)

Micah had his 2 month checkup last week, and all is looking great! He is a chunky 13 lbs 4 oz (or he was last week, he's probably more than that now!) and a stocky 23 inches long! He's in the 75% tile for his weight, 25th for his height, and 50th for his head! As the doctor so kindly put it, he's our little spark plug! :) Quite the opposite from his "big" brother Daniel whom I am sure he will catch up to and pass in no time! We are having a big of a difficult time trying to get Micah to switch his days and nights over to a normal schedule! He just does not seem to like to sleep at night, and he is very stubborn! I think we are making SLOOOOW progress, but hopefully it won't take much longer to get him switched over. It's almost been 10 weeks, and I'm at the point where I'm just ready to get more than 3 hours of sleep at a time! God is giving me grace though, and has really helped me day to day as I have to function on little sleep, taking care of two beautiful little boys!

Andrew is just about to start his last semester of school in about a month, and we cannot be more thrilled to be starting this last leg! Andrew is beginning to send out applications and resumes, starting the job search so hopefully by next summer he can be set in a job and possibly we can be ready to move, wherever God opens a door! Andrew is mostly looking in Minnesota, as he truly desires to move back up north, but anything could really open up anywhere,and we are willing to go wherever God leads! So these next 5 to 6 months or so will be very interesting and possibly bringing about a lot of change for our family! We are trusting in God's timing and plan for our lives!

Well, here's a few more pictures to enjoy as well of our growing boys! I'm off to get busy with the work God has so graciously blessed me with! Peace to you all and blessings in Christ!!

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